Since the recent discovery of the hijacked email client, by some unknown government agency, now perhaps when something happens that is strange, odd or likely an event that is ochestrated by the ‘powers-that-be’ regarding some sort of ‘spying’, that I will now put a blog post from time to time, if and when such things occur.  Today is one of those events…

If you have ever read the book Of Missing Persons there are some details of events like this in there.  I decided a week ago to get a second phone line installed from our phone company, which is a VOIP line.  After an hour of waiting for them to arrive, I finally called to hear the proverbial shock of not knowing what happened from the customer service representative, who then proclaims that there is some sort of weird error code on the service order.

Finally dispatch assures the rep that they will get someone out soon, sure enough, 40 minutes later there is a knock on the door.  The installer at the door tells me that it was weird, the ‘order never came through’, but they get it up and running quickly anyway.

The point of this being this, there is no way to know what happened, if anything, however one thing is known and that is the FBI has been called the jack-of-all-trades and if there was a suspect that they wanted additional surveillance on, they would be their ‘internet’ or ‘phone’ installer (even garbage man).  Over the years, of which if could be a lenghty post, but I will leave it brief, we have had some very suspicious people installing such utilities since at least 2010.  While we could never prove it and there was no three letter badge ever seen, we did catch one of them at our house going into our garage when we weren’t home one time (the garage was unlocked) on camera.

I don’t know about you, but if every time you had the internet or a phone line installed at a rental over the past several years and they were at your house for 2-3 hours ‘redoing’ every line from the drop to crawling under your house and you know that the federal government not only had/has you under investigation, but attempted some sort of plot, certainly these oddities would only further enhance the suspicions.